Online gallery of fantasy artist Kundry Land, featuring her paintings, her pet portraits, her photographs of Lofoten and her journal.
Galerie d'art fantastique et onirique de Kundry. Inclut outre ses peintures un journal et des photos des Lofoten.
Hello! I just wanted to thank you for your wonderful artwork and photos. I can't remember exactly how I came across your website, but I discovered it about a year and a half ago I think. I immediately bookmarked your website and I visit often. Your art really resonates with me both with my sense of the fantastic/magical and with the cozy homebody in me as well. Your photos are stunning, I'm so glad that there are still places on our planet that look so wild and natural. Oh, and your dog has an amazing energy! So I just wanted to say thanks! Often when I'm having a bad day, I'll just go through your gallery online before I go to bed so that my head is full of lovely images!
Thank you, Maya! This is really sweet! :-)
Posted by: Kundry | 12 June 2010 at 08:35
Hello! I just wanted to thank you for your wonderful artwork and photos. I can't remember exactly how I came across your website, but I discovered it about a year and a half ago I think. I immediately bookmarked your website and I visit often. Your art really resonates with me both with my sense of the fantastic/magical and with the cozy homebody in me as well. Your photos are stunning, I'm so glad that there are still places on our planet that look so wild and natural. Oh, and your dog has an amazing energy! So I just wanted to say thanks! Often when I'm having a bad day, I'll just go through your gallery online before I go to bed so that my head is full of lovely images!
Posted by: Maya | 03 June 2010 at 10:54